BMI Calculator

Know your BMI (Body Mass Index)

Calculate your BMI

Calculate My BMI

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Your BMI is......

less than 18.5:Underweight
18.5 - 24.9:Normal weight
25 - 29.9:Overweight
30 - 34.9:Class I Obese
35 - 39.9:Class II Obese
40 upwards:Class III Obese

How much do you weigh? What is a healthy weight? How is your weight impacting on your overall health & life expectancy?

Let’s get an understanding of BMI otherwise known as your Body Mass Index.

Body Mass Index or more commonly, BMI, is one way of checking to see if you are a healthy weight. BMI uses a simple formula of height to weight ratio. BMI is usually measured in kg/m2. Having a BMI of between 18.5 – 25 is considered a healthy weight & your chances of developing a serious illness like cancer, heart disease and diabetes are much lower.

What’s the next step?

One to One Nutritional Consultation

Get back control of what you eat.
Feel better, physically & mentally!

Reaching a ‘healthy weight’ is a message we need to feed our brain. Prioritise your health. Getting your body into a healthy body fat category & feeling better mentally & physically is the key to long term success. That’s step 1. The basic principles of a healthy, balanced diet are lost on many of us today & we are grasping at straws looking for answers to an ever growing problem.